uhmm i had so many ideas until i actually started typing. hello i am kieran or griffin or jay occasionally (trying 2 phase jay out though..) i use xe/he/it prns preferably and i am a genderfluid lesbian on the aroace spectrum!
i have manymanymany interests including archer, slipknot, story writing, coding, 90s-2000s music/fashion/film, film nerd stuff and uhhh.... yeah :D archer and slipknot r my main hyperfixes atm and ill make shrines for them ater but ill probably talk about them a bunch lol
umm to give myself a bit of backstory i was born in a cold frozen wasteland (semi-rural nsw) and i currently reside in satans actual fucking ballsack (southeast QLD)...... and yeah thats kinda it. spacehey got me interested in coding in sept-oct of 2023 and now im here! ummm just as like a little warning i do have like major bigtime social anxiety (which im working on!) sooo messages on most platforms are off.... still feel free to send a message about anything important and ill respond as quick as i can! ^_^
𖤐 name(s): kieran. or griffin. jays also a (slightly older) option or my irl name if you know that
𖤐 GENDERPRONOUNCES: transgender adjacent (genderfluid + MAYBE maverique and MAYBE a few xenogenders) ....... i think. xe/he/it preferably but i also enjoy the occasional noun pronoun (eye/void/plague are some highlights)
𖤐 sex(uality): i like anyone who doesnt identify as a man or man-adjacent........ and no sex!!!!!! (ace-spec lesbian. also aro-spec but i couldnt think of anything funny sorry)
𖤐 age: 100004teen. guess
𖤐 motherland: australia booooooooooooooooo
𖤐 aquarius . . . ixtp . . . 5...... w4? . . . melancholic
𖤐 autism up the fuckin wazoo
𖤐 innnnnnnn my freetime i enjoy. coding! i play games sometimes (cyberpunk 2077 is the latest..... got it secondhand for 40 bucks fuck yeah) i like listenting to music and watching moviess (PLESEPLESAPLSEAS check out my letterboxd :3) ummmm i watch anime too sometimes (monsters my favvvouuuurrrittte but i like ghost in the shell 2) and one singular tv show (ARCHER).
𖤐 i cant think of anything else i didnt say in the summary so im going to copy myself. my general generalised interests include surrealism, absurdism, transhumanism (not for the eugenics whatever bullshit), cannibalism, science fiction, metal, film, 90s-2000s music/fashion/film, religion & story writing :3 atm im very heavily hyperfixated on archer and slipknot and have been for like..... a year. ive been writing stories since i was 8 or so and id generally consider that to be my spinterest although i am massively burnt out and have been for nearly 3 years...... i am socially awkward to an extreme (not exaggerating i am a massive pain in the ass) and i have 2 irl friends (1 + ½ + ½) so please forgive me for being an odd little freak
𖤐 ummmmm idk what else to say but i feel like i should put this somewhere? i am trying to get out of participating in various online discourses so if you want my opinion on shipping, non-traditonal/good faith/contradicting identities, etc youll have to ask personally. sorry. politically im not really sure where i stand? somewhere anarchist-adjacent. i enjoy anarcha-feminism and intersectional feminism as well as the anarcha-queer thing. so anarchist adjacent. i have extremely complicated views on religion (thanks to 7/8-12 y/o me) but as most of my opinions is kinda falls under 'eh do what you like' for my religion personally i. dont know. agnostic experimenting w/ satanism
𖤐 SPEED FACTS!!!!!!!!!. well i am terrifed of confrontation and also extremely confrontational. i am funny only when you give me 5-10 mins to prepare and dont make a funnier response. i have worn glasses since i was 8 and i still cant see for the life of me. i make being anxious a fuckin sport but im also worried about nothing ever. my back hurts very bad please help. i am a loud and proud edgelord kind of and goddamnit i am not ashamed. i think im allergic to bandaids. im a big fan of parentheses
𖤐 i dont particularly care for capitalism. or people who make online discourse their entire personality. or edgelord games who claim to be "depicting dark themes in media blah blah" but its actually shock factor/the creators fetish. i dont care for tarantino fans. or SOME MSI fans (most r ok/cool). or msi/tarantino themselves (jimmy is a pedophile whatever court bullshit is going on doesnt mean SHIT. look me in the fucking eyes and tell me he doesnt fuck teenagers. also MSI is a really bad example of shock value used in music its just sex/drugs/slurs nobody is shocked)
![]() I taste like beef. I'm probably made of beef. You are what you eat, they say, and if the title didn't mean something else, I would be a beefeater. I think red meat is good for you. Puts hair on your chest. What Flavour Are You? |
![]() I am generally dissatisfied with the products of others, so I make my own; stronger, faster, better. I'm a creative and inventive person. |
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repending Believers) | Low |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | High |
Level 2 (Lustful) | Low |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | Low |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | Low |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | Low |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | Moderate |
Level 7 (Violent) | Low |
Level 8 - The Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | Low |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | Low |
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Hedgehogs are lactose intolerant.
Want your own? Visit hekate.neocities.org!An artist at heart, you listen to your emotions and let them lead you through life. You might seem melancholy on the outside, but you truly care about those close to you, and have a lot of wisdom to share with the world.
Your immortal lover would be...
Just like the queen of the gods, you are not afraid of wrath. You are highly monogamous and protective of those you care about, and have a tendency to get jealous easily.
w.i.p srry